London was host to Enlighten Smiles’ new and exciting two-day seminar and hands-on programme ‘Renamel – The London Sessions’, held at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), attracting delegates from across the globe to discover more about Renamel microfill, the composite material used in over 70% of AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) accreditation cases, from two of the world’s most accomplished trainers, Jason Smithson and Corky Willhite.
Day one: Jason Smithson
Kick-starting the sessions, Jason Smithson’s lecture, Emulating nature’s morphology: an anterior direct resin masterclass, whilst outlining recreational natural aesthetics of the central incisors.
With the rise of aesthetic dentistry, Jason emphasised that while patients are becoming increasingly selective, dentists cannot assume that everyone wants a ‘Hollywood smile’, more often they want to mimic nature. Therefore, clinicians should be focusing on the idea of bio-emulation, which centres on the biology of mechanical optics concerning the natural replication of teeth function and behaviour using tooth colour isomers. The overall aim, Jason explained, ‘should be to understand the histoanatomic structure and dynamic light interaction of a patient’s natural dentition’.
Continuing to expand on patient expectations and smile design, Jason emphasised that in recent research, 90% of the public have no identical incisors and no identical dimensions of form. Keeping in mind the concept of bio-emulation, he stated: ‘Science should be used as a guideline in smile design that’s functionally, artistically and patient driven’.
The afternoon hands-on session involved Jason demonstrating to delegates how to model an entire upper central incisor, from apex to incisal edge, utilising freehand resin bonding using Renamel Microfill. Providing a clear and straightforward step-by-step walkthrough in producing a crack line, a wear facet and stain of the gingival margin, Jason also highlighted the polishing and finishing procedures required to produce natural enamel surface topography.
Day two: Corky Willhite
Providing information that will help dental professionals master composite bonding skills, fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Corky Willhite presented Transitional bonding: non-traditional composite restorations for major occlusal and aesthetic changes.
Corky demonstrated a practical technique using composites that offers many advantages over traditional composite or porcelain restorations that often require extensive changes for function and aesthetics. The hands-on element saw delegates learn how to build large composite restorations quickly and conservatively while strengthening their understanding of the practical occlusal principles for maximising longevity. Requiring virtually no prep, even for smile makeovers and full-mouth rehabilitation cases, Corky assures long-lasting results can be expected.
Exceptional education
In bringing together these internationally renowned speakers, Renamel – The London Sessions provided attendees the fundamentals to provide, not only strong and long-lasting composite restorations with Renamel, which include long-term wear resistance, natural translucency and outstanding colour stability, but restorations that blend so perfectly into the patient’s individual natural dentition they are impossible to distinguish.
Delegates comments
Natalie Frendo-Cumbo, a member of the BACD Young Members Committee and a recent graduate of the University of Glasgow Dental School said: ‘Courses like Renamel – The London Sessions gives you the chance to experience composites in an entirely different way to what you are taught at dental school. I’m amazed at how much I have learnt today in terms of the level of precision and detail you can go into.’
The two-day event even attracted dentists from afar as Nairobi. Njeri Njoroge commented, ‘The combination of a lecture and hands-on session with exceptional speakers Jason and Corky encouraged me to make the 4,000 mile trip. I’m looking to develop my skills in aesthetic dentistry and these sessions will prepare me for practice ready when I return to Nairobi on Monday.’
For more information, please contact Enlighten Smiles on 020 7424 3270; visit or email [email protected].
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