Saliva and Oral Health Part 1: Maintaining Oral Health – Preventing Dental Disease is now available at It aims to help dental professionals understand the vital part saliva plays in preventive dentistry and current thinking on the impact of saliva on oral health. A further module from Juliette; Oral and Systemic Health Implications of Saliva explores the latest research surrounding the role of saliva in nutrition, and systemic and psychological wellbeing.
What’s more, those who missed the lecture from chief Wrigley scientist, Mike Dodds, at the Clinical Innovations conference earlier this year, have the opportunity to catch his insightful talk. ‘The ticking time bomb – could changes in eating behaviours cause increased caries?’ received excellent feedback from those dental care professionals who attended. The lecture recording, along with key slides, is now available to view (, along with 12 questions to answer for 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD (continuous professional development).
Increasingly, the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programme is leading the way in new oral healthcare insights into saliva and oral health. A range of ambassadors from the dental community are involved in CPD development, as Wrigley partners with leading dentists, hygienists and nutrition experts, as well as oral health scientists, to produce new educational opportunities.
Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programme manager, Louisa Rowntree explained: ‘Wrigley has such a wealth of clinical research on the topic. And we’re so pleased to be able to enhance dental care professionals’ understanding of the vital role that saliva plays in oral health. As Mike’s lecture highlights, the role of saliva and its stimulation through chewing sugar-free gum, is becoming increasingly important in light of modern, more frequent eating habits that come with “on-the-go” lifestyles. Sharing our knowledge base through free and verifiable CPD is just one of the ways we are supporting dental care professionals’ role in promoting better preventative oral care to their patients.’
The Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programme encourages patients to add a simple, enjoyable and beneficial step to their regular oral healthcare routine between brushing: chewing sugar-free gum after eating and drinking helps to clean the mouth (Fu et al, 2012) and neutralise the plaque acid attacks that cause tooth decay (Dawes and Kubieniec, 2004) (Polland, Higgins and Orchardson, 2003).
Dawes C, Kubieniec K (2004) The effects of prolonged gum chewing on salivary flow rate and composition. Arch Oral Biol. 49: 665-9.
Fu Y, Li X, Ma H, Yin W, Que K, Hu D, Dodds M and Tian M (2012) Assessment of chewing sugar-free gums for oral debris reduction: a randomized controlled crossover clinical trial. Am J Dent. 25: 118-22.
Polland K, Higgins F and Orchardson R (2003) Salivary flow rate and pH during prolonged gum chewing in humans. J Oral Rehabil. 30: 861-5.
To access all of the CPD opportunities Wrigley has to offer, as well as the latest clinical research go to