Dummies’ Guide

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Dummies’ Guide to…seasons
Do you plan your marketing according to the seasons? Chris Baker explains how you can make the seasons work for…
Private Practice
Dummies’ Guide to…campaign management
Campaigns can be expensive so it’s important you get them right, Chris Baker says. Let’s say that you are running…
Dummies’ guide to: negative reviews
Chris Baker gives advice on dealing with negative reviews on social media. Panic, panic! We’ve been left an awful review…
Dummies’ guide to: converting patients
Chris Baker provides a guide to gaining new patients. ‘Converting’ patients – it’s a horrible term and does sound as…
Dummies’ guide to: campaign management
Chris Baker tells you how to make a success of your marketing campaigns. Let’s say that you are running a…
Dummies’ guide to: effective advertising
‘Page advertising doesn’t work’ – yes it does; you’ve just been doing it wrong, says Chris Baker. The role of…
Dummies’ guide to: landing pages
Chris Baker explains the process of directing patients to the most appropriate sections on your practice website. A landing page…
Dummies’ Guide to… a website that wows!
Chris Baker gives you eight points to follow to make your website stand out from the crowd. If we go…
Dummies’ Guide to Google part two – analytics
Can Google Analytics aid your practice’s success? Chris Baker follows part one of his Dummies’ Guide to Google. ‘What gets measured,…
Dummies’ guide to good design
Chris Baker offers up his top 10 practice marketing design tips. Good design is an important way to differentiate yourself…
Dummies’ guide to Facebook advertising
Are you thinking of dipping your toe in Facebook advertising? Chris Baker explains the ins and outs. I imagine many of…
Dummies’ guide…to local PR
Are you confused about what is advertising and what PR actually is? Chris Baker clears the confusion. The first point to…
Dummies’ guide to email marketing
In the first of his new dummies’ guide column, Chris Baker offers some useful hints and tips on email marketing…
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