Ashley Latter

Ashley Latter

Author at Dentistry Online

For the last 20 years, Ashley Latter has personally coached over 17,500 dentists and their team members on his legendary two days Ethical Sales & Communication Programme all over the World. He is also the author of two books. Please visit his website where you can watch over 50 videos to help grow your practice profits.
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Keeping in touch with patients to help generate thousands of pounds

Keeping in touch could generate thousands of pounds worth of new opportunities, states Ashley Latter. A question, I got asked this week, by a new client, should we offer free consultations, because at present we don’t? If you offer free consultations in your dental practice for certain cosmetic treatments, such as orthodontic treatment, then the…

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Why you need to step up your customer service and tips on how to do it

Richard Scarborough talks to business coach Ashley Latter about the impact of coronavirus on the demands and needs of patients. As well as the increasing importance of providing exceptional customer service. Is good customer service now more important than ever before? Ashley Latter: Yes, 100%. And the reason being is that we are going into…

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Have you got a Ticket to Win from the FiveGoForth challenge?[0]=68.ARBYbIegn2XqRyni8JZ8fPszWUIqiTjaaS28PuFw5e-zBceIKGnR6BkT6zyjefu_EOgf1g1Lm_qOi22O-uWMP46WMyWFME9lAQMU58LzD96Ocjgn1yZf9d9NGQ7WblwHLDIsHQE&__tn__=C-R-R Ashley Latter sends us a quick message from the Lake District reminding us about the Five Go Forth event and the Ticket to Win. For more information visit

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Increasing revenue with treatment uptake

Ashley Latter offers eight secrets to creating more opportunities to deliver more short term orthodontic treatments and increase your turnover and profits A few weeks ago, I was having dinner with a client who had just taken my two day ethical sales and communication programme. He was sharing some of his success stories, in particular,…

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Do you know this critical number?

Measuring and knowing the numbers in your practice is key, says Ashley Latter. But principals are often unaware of one key figure… One area I think dentists could do better is to know their numbers. Lots of people, I hesitate to say ‘most’ people are not so good at the measurement, the numbers, the keeping-score.…

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