SmileVision explains the impact of the NHS net zero pledge on dentistry – what changes does your practice need to make and when?
The NHS pledge to be net zero by 2040 with a target to reach an 80% reduction by 2028 is already hitting businesses within the NHS supply chain.
The NHS has also stated it will also require all commissioned services to be net zero and deliver the shorter-term target of initially an 80% reduction followed on by net zero. So, any dental practices with any form of NHS contracts will be impacted, it is just a matter of when this is announced.
But the NHS pledge is not the only pressure to act. Many financial institutions are now requiring a net zero plan as part of any funding and there is no question your patients, your team and partners are becoming more and more eco-savy. Ultimately this results in them choosing who they work with and see, depending on their green credentials.
Net zero – an opportunity not a threat
The move to net zero is closer than you think. Do you see this as a negative and adding to your practice workload, or an opportunity to become more efficient and profitable whilst actually reducing workloads? Your green credentials can also provide an effective way to stand out from any competitors.
Sustainability in dentistry – where to start
Achieving net zero requires systemic change – meaningful and lasting change requiring you to develop a sustainability focused internal culture.
It is important that everyone in your organisation supports and embraces this.
Your team should understand why the change is necessary, understand the part they play and feel inspired in their role.
Collaboration with suppliers is going to be key to achieving net zero. We all need to work together to reach the net zero target. So, switching to products and services with a lower carbon footprint and wasting less will all have bigger impacts than you realise.
Act now – get ahead of the curve before the rush
There is no doubt that this net zero juggernaut is fast approaching. Whether that be from an NHS directive or from other directions (patients, suppliers, financiers etc). So what are the benefits of acting now?
There are experts in the sector who can help guide you through the process, but with over 11,000 UK practices their availability is unlikely to meet the demand (they also work in other sectors businesses in the NHS supply chain). So getting help whilst it is available and not at a premium is key.
The benefits of progressing towards net zero can ultimately help you increase profitability and give you a competitive advantage. By being more energy efficient and reducing waste you will reduce costs and overheads.
Implementing initiatives like digitalising print-based materials engages with patients in a way they choose to access information. It will also reduce the waste and associated print costs. In a tight labour market your forward thinking will give you an advantage at securing key staff.
SmileVision and how we help
The core aims of SmileVision’s business is to help dental practices achieve reduced carbon footprints but with increased profitability (making it sustainable).
All the tools and services it has and continues to develop are with this primary objective in mind.
In addition to the tools SmileVision has created to digitalise print, it has a team of Future Leap consultants that can help guide you through this net zero challenge and opportunity.
Please get in touch at [email protected] or call on 0207 993 3888.
This article is sponsored by SmileVision.