‘Secure and predictable’: why Rebilda is my go-to composite system

Wynn Jenkins explains why Rebilda DC has played a big part in his restorative procedures for many years.

I have been using Rebilda DC now for many years. It has ideal handling characteristics as a core material. It flows well, is dual cured and is very strong. The difference between the original Rebilda DC and the new version is the fact that under UVA light, the material fluoresces. It is important in modern dentistry where aesthetics are of paramount importance that we do not use materials which detract from this.

Traditionally core materials such as Rebilda DC are opaque, usually white in colour. This helps to demarcate the join between tooth tissue and the core material itself. With high opacity crown and bridge material, and those made from PFM, this is not an issue. For high translucent, feldspathic porcelain, this may cause a problem with ‘shine through’.

The new Rebilda DC, is dentine shaded until you shine the UVA light on it. This provided the best of both worlds in that the material is invisible to the patient and therefore does not impact on the final restoration, but is visible to the clinician where the ability to finish a crown or bridge preparation on natural tooth is essential.

Benefits of Rebilda GT

Rebilda Post GT has played a big part of my restorative procedures for many years. Instead of one large single post, it comes in a multi-stranded format. When using a silane coupler, this bonds very strongly to the core material being used.

Often, the root canals of teeth do not follow the ideal shape or pattern. Sometimes, they are oval, curved or are somewhat irregular. Preparing a root to accept a single cylindrical post can involve the removal of large of root dentine unnecessarily, thereby potentially weakening the tooth structure.

Rebilda GT requires only the removal of the existing GP root filling to facilitate placement. This allows me to restore teeth that in some instances would require extraction. The use of Rebilda Post GT with the use of a sound ferrule around the crown preparation provides a secure and also predictable outcome for my restoration.

Love for learning

I qualified from the Welsh National School of Medicine in 1984. During my time as a student, I found that restorative dentistry interested me above all else and that when I qualified it was the discipline which I wanted to pursue.

I have always enjoyed crafting and working with my hands. I joined a practice in the mid 1980s, which had a reputation for advanced restorative treatments and continued to learn new techniques during this period.

Adhesive dentistry was very much in its infancy during these times. I’m grateful to have been able to witness the enormous changes in material science and techniques over the past forty years.

I have been fortunate to have been invited to lecture on many of the systems and techniques described for over 30 years and have lectured extensively in the UK, Ireland, Europe and also the USA.

I love learning about new processes and systems and applying them to my own practice of dentistry, as well as being able to share my experiences and knowledge with others.

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