Broseley Dental Surgery – a successful mixed practice

Broseley Dental Surgery – a successful mixed practice

Is a mixed practice the best of both worlds? It’s certainly the most popular business model according to recent figures released by the GDC.

Approximately 25,000 people responded to the GDC’s request for workforce data, published in March this year. Of these, 19% were working in fully private practices and 15% in NHS only ones. This means 66% of respondents work in mixed practices. So, the decision in summer 2019 of the team at Broseley Dental to extend its offering of private dental services was similar to one made by many practices before them.

Brand ethos and values

Although there were already a few plan patients at the practice, practice manager Helen Evans and principal dentist Manoj Joshi were looking to grow the private side of the business and wanted a plan provider that would help them do this. Helen was already aware of Practice Plan and was happy to recommend them to Manoj.

‘Having worked at a practice previously which had introduced Practice Plan and was working well for them, we decided to introduce Practice Plan to our patients as we believe in the Practice Plan brand and their ethics,’ she explains.

The only reservation she had about making the switch was regarding the reaction of their existing plan patients with a different provider. ‘We were slightly nervous about how they might react,’ she confesses. ‘We wondered whether we would be able to get them on board with the change to Practice Plan and whether the transfer of these patients would be smooth.’

In the event, their concerns were unfounded. The switch went seamlessly. As Helen and the team discovered, their patients were loyal to the practice and not the plan provider. So, changing from one company to another made little or no difference to their patients.

Excellent support

Helen credits the support of her regional support manager, Josie Hutchings, as the reason why everything went so smoothly. ‘Josie was amazing at implementing the plan into the practice. The training she delivered was exceptional which helped get the staff on board right from the outset.’

Informing the patients of the change was straightforward. Plan patients were sent letters letting them know that Practice Plan would be taking over their membership. Ahead of time practice staff made sure posters were displayed around the practice giving notice to patients of when things would be changing and what they needed to do about it. To underline the message, they also wore badges bearing the information.

When it came time for Practice Plan to pick up the reins, Helen and the team experienced little or no adverse reactions from patients. ‘My advice to anyone introducing a new plan provider is to be honest and transparent with your patients,’ she says. ‘Explain your reasons regarding the changes. When they understand why something’s happening, most patients are happy.’

Retaining the NHS contract

Although the team was keen to expand its private dentistry, handing back their NHS contract was not part of their plan. ‘We are the only practice in the village,’ Helen explains. ‘As we only have a small NHS contract it felt necessary to keep it especially as, at the time, the biggest proportion of our patients were aged 65 years, or older.’

As the only dentist in the practice, Manoj was happy to divide his time between NHS and private patients.

The team manages his workload through strict diary zoning. NHS patients are offered a limited choice of dates and times as to when they can be offered appointments. While pay as you go, private and Plan patients can take advantage of more flexible times including early morning and late afternoon or evening appointments, which they appreciate.

Having made the move several years ago now the team is happy with the way things are working. As Helen says their mixed practice model offers a lot of benefits.

‘The way we work now means we can offer NHS treatment to patients who need it, especially children and people in receipt of benefits. They’re grateful to still be able to see an NHS dentist. Private patients appreciate having the extended appointments and access to a comprehensive range of treatments. So, if the patients are happier, then so are we!’

‘Go for it!’

The practice is now much busier than when the switch was made to Practice Plan, especially since the pandemic. Although the cost-of-living crisis saw numbers of patients joining the plan slow for a period, things have begun to increase again now. So, what advice would Helen give to someone considering introducing private dentistry into their practice?

‘Just go for it!’ she says. ‘Whichever way you decide to choose, whether you stay as a mixed practice or go fully private, you will be supported by your RSM and all at Practice Plan if you choose to go with them. You won’t regret it!’

If you’re considering your options away from the NHS and are looking for a plan provider who will hold your hand through the process at a pace that’s right for you, why not start the conversation with Practice Plan on 01691 684165 or book your one-to-one NHS to private call today

For more information visit

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