Colgate discusses the continued prevalence of dental caries, and explores some potential risk factors and their solutions.
Dental caries is still a problem, with 27% of adults presenting with obvious caries, with an average of 2.1 teeth affected (Public Health England, 2020). Also, 33% of children present with obvious caries, with an average of 3.5 teeth affected (Public Health England, 2020; OHID, 2022; NHS, 2015).*
The level or combination of risk factors determines the risk of future caries. Risk factors can include:
CariesCare International promotes a patient centred risk-based approach to caries management, the CariesCare Practice Guide: A 4D process to help prevent and control caries (CariesCare, 2020).
Download our CariesCare Guide* adapted to help you deliver UK evidence-based caries care for your patients here.
Assess caries-risk at both patient and tooth level, and consider protecting them in-office and at-home with the Colgate Duraphat range†,^,**. Colgate Duraphat is the only complete and clinically-proven high-fluoride range, medicinally licensed to prevent, control and arrest caries (Baysan et al, 2001; Schirrmeister et al, 2007, Ekstrand et al, 2008, Ekstrand et al, 2013).
Intended for Dental Professionals only.
Click here for more information or visit for prescribing information.
This article is sponsored by Colgate.
Disclaimers and references
*Those with caries carry a greater caries burden with an average of 3.5 teeth affected.
†Colgate Duraphat fluoride varnish for patients three years of age and over.
^ Colgate Duraphat 2800ppm high fluoride toothpaste for patients 10 years of age and over at increased caries risk.
**Colgate Duraphat 5000 fluoride toothpaste for patients 16 years of age and over at increased caries risk.
# Usage as according to the summary of product characteristics.
- Oral Health Survey of Adults attending dental practices, 2018. Public Health England, published 2020.
- National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, Oral health survey of 3-year-old children 2020: a report on the prevalence and severity of dental decay, Public Health England.
- National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, Oral health survey of 5-year-olds 2022, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities.
- Child Dental Health Survey 2013, England, Wales and Northern Ireland National statistics, published 2015.
- Last accessed July 2024.
- Baysan A et al. Caries Res 2001;35:41-46.
- Schirrmeister JF et al. Am J Dent 2007;20. 212-216.
- Ekstrand et al. 2008 Gerod 2008; 25:67-75.
- Ekstrand et al. Caries Res 2013;47:391–8.