Dr Shiraz Khan will provide an overview of how dentine hypersensitivity can impact the aesthetic optimisation of tooth whitening. He will then uncover patient concerns and explain how Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief toothpaste can contribute to a positive tooth whitening outcome.
The webinar in March will:
- Explore the line of questioning to uncover patient concerns that may prevent patients from moving forward with professional tooth whitening
- Review the patient journey required to optimise both the aesthetics and experience of tooth whitening
- Understand how the Colgate Sensitive toothpaste portfolio can contribute to a positive tooth whitening outcome for both dental professionals and patients.
Shiraz Khan
Dr Shiraz Khan graduated from the University of Birmingham Dental School in 2013. After successfully completing foundation training and winning several prizes, he finished his dental core training in a range of specialisms including restorative dentistry at Croydon University Hospital, Guys and St Thomas’s.
He is currently in private practice in the heart of London and suburban Hemel Hempstead.
Shiraz has heightened his profile at this albeit early stage. He has been invited to lecture to young dentists around the country, as well as having lectured internationally.
He has recently completed his masters in restorative dentistry at the University of Birmingham and invests time into his career development and experience, regularly sharing with like-minded professionals.
The Online Dentistry Show
The Online Dentistry Show is back by popular demand, running on the 19 March 2021 and completely free to attend.
This is the second year running the virtual exhibition and conference for UK dentistry. And 2021’s Online Dentistry Show promises to be bigger and better than before.
To register for free, simply visit dentistry.6connex.eu/event/onlineshow/register.
Leading speakers from the dental profession will also offer delegates up to six hours of ECPD throughout the day. They will appear across three lecture theatres covering:
- Private dentistry
- Digital dentistry
- Clinical dentistry.
‘The Online Dentistry Show 2021 promises to deliver leading speakers covering topics delegates won’t want to miss,’ Seb Evans, Dentistry Online editor, says.
‘In 2020, thousands of delegates logged on for the inaugural Online Dentistry Show and the feedback we received was great.
‘So, this year, we’ve gone bigger and better. Consequently, along with a leading line up of speakers, delegates can walk around a virtual exhibition and speak to manufacturers about the latest dental tech.
‘Best of all, it’s completely free to attend. So make sure you register today.’
To register for free, simply visit dentistry.6connex.eu/event/onlineshow/register.