Missed out on this week’s dental news? No problem, here’s what happened over the past seven days…
COVID-19 – calls and complaints about dentistry increased by 450% over summer
The impact of COVID-19 on dentistry was felt far and wide – and the latest report by Healthwatch confirms this. Assessing patient feedback from July to September, it found that calls and complaints about dentistry increased by more than 450%. The findings were slammed by the BDA, with many others also speaking out in response. I wish I could say the report surprised me.
Managing oral hygiene with healthy habits
We heard from Professors Nicola West and Tim Newton about how dental professionals can achieve improved plaque control. With the latest survey showing that 66% of dentate adults have visible plaque, it’s undeniable that plaque control is a continued challenge.
One quarter of practices predict COVID recovery will take less than a year
But it’s not all bad news about COVID-19 – or at least not as bad as a lot of the other headlines recently. A new survey found that one quarter of practices predict a potential recovery in just six to 12 months. And four in five expect to bounce back within the next three years.
Should I be asking my dental patients for their pronouns?
Personal pronouns – an ever growing and necessary discussion that has hit the headlines in recent weeks. Dental hygienist Tiffany Mosqueda discusses their importance within the dental practice and how asking for them can make patients feel safer, acknowledged and understood.
Laura Keates – a life in dentistry
Worcester Warriors player and 2014 World Cup winner Laura Keates spoke to Dentistry Online about what it’s like balancing her dental degree with rugby. Now in her fourth year, she discusses the challenges of COVID-19 and her plans for both rugby and dentistry in 2021.
Latest webinars
With Christmas quickly approaching, you might find yourself with a little more free time than you’re used to. If you find yourself kicking your heels, why not browse through Dentistry Study Club‘s ‘on demand’ webinars! We have a whole catalogue of previous webinars available, as well as an exciting line up for this week.
Catch up on last week’s news here.
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