Powered by Avant Garde dentistry

Avant Garde Dentistry is a concept that encompasses all the elements you need to take your dentistry, your clinic and your brand to the next level.

Focusing on digital workflows and positive patient pathways, digital smile makeovers, education and mentoring as well as marketing and brand development, Avant Garde draws upon the experiences of its founder Dr Robbie Hughes and business partner Dr Milad Shadrooh. Both have achieved excellence in their fields.

Avant Garde

Dr Robbie and Dr Milad have the blueprint to success. Through Avant Garde, they have created a platform where you too can achieve your goals and excel in your career.

At Avant Garde, we believe excellence begins with education. Our courses on composite veneers, porcelain veneers, 4D aligners with Clear-X technology and also a marketing masterclass provide a solid foundation to build upon.

Add to this the business consultancy and mentorship programmes. Here you will work directly with Dr Robbie and Dr Milad to accelerate your growth. As well as having patients are receiving full consultations and ready-to-treat sent straight to your chair.

Consequently, there really isn’t a better time for you and your clinic to be ‘powered by Avant Garde‘.

To find out more, go to www.avantgardedentistry.co.uk.

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