CT Dent showcases how it is continuously investing in dental imaging technology.
Those who have been using the CT Dent service for a number of years may be aware of how much the online portal has changed since its inception. CT Dent continuously works to update its dental imaging systems to ensure improvements are made for users.
The online portal allows dentists to:
- Instantly view all their patients’ scans
- Share a scan with colleagues immediately
- Have multiple practices linked under one account
- Make online bookings for patients and practices
- Send patients a copy of their scan.
Faster dental imaging delivery using AI
CT Dent believes in humans and artificial intelligence (AI) working together to achieve the highest level of accuracy and a faster service. Consequently aiming to change dental imaging delivery from one to three days, to five to 10 minutes.
In November 2018, developers started working on a dedicated dental imaging archive and communication system (PACS) that will allow the AI systems to integrate directly with its 2D and 3D imaging equipment.
CT Dent has also rebuilt its entire dental imaging management operating system and has added two system applications that will provide its referrers and patients the maximum level of accuracy in this digital age.
Together, they enable the AI to reformat and process dental imaging data, which is then checked by human employees. Any image data therefore that doesn’t require any reformatting and processing will output directly to the referrer from the imaging equipment in a few seconds.
Manchester branch new scanner
The company’s Manchester branch has installed the 2019 Kavo OP 3D, replacing the Gendex CB500. This new scanner also provides more focused fields of view and better resolution for a range of clinical needs.
This new investment will provide even better quality imaging – both in 2D and 3D – for patients.
Xelis Planner Software
The Xelis Planner (also known as Ondemand3D) is a cloud-based dental implant simulation software that allows users to plan their cases easily online. It features:
- A full implant library from all major dental implant suppliers
- No downloads, no installations, and fully encrypted following General Data Protection Regulation
- Implant planning on any browser, any device; anytime, anywhere
- The ability to save and share treatment plans with colleagues
- The ability to easily share results with your patients.
Beta testing is closing and it will soon be available to book online.
For more information call 020 7487 5717 or visit www.ct-dent.co.uk.