Colgate explains how its toothpaste can help to deliver whole mouth health.
Caries and periodontal disease are preventable, but still burdening worldwide.
This is also seen in the UK, with 30-45% of adults and almost half of school children experiencing dental caries. Furthermore, 9% of UK adults suffer from moderate or severe periodontal disease#.
Soft tissue surfaces make up for 80% of oral surfaces. Numbers of studies have indicated that these surfaces of the oral cavity harbour a significant amount of periodontal pathogens. Bacterial reservoirs in the soft tissue surfaces could therefore be a major factor in the re-colonisation of tooth surfaces after therapeutic procedures (Delgado et al, 2018).
New Colgate Total with dual zinc plus arginine is formulated for optimised delivery, penetration and retention of zinc in the biofilm (Manus et al, 2018). Consequently it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. This helps your patients achieve whole mouth health (Prasad et al, 2018)$. New Colgate Total also offers benefits for patients who show early signs of gum problems (Delgado et al, 2018).
Whole mouth health
A six-month double-blind clinical study by Delgado et al (2018) demonstrated the ability of dual zinc plus arginine toothpaste. As a result it showed how this toothpaste can reverse gum problems. New Colgate Total provides significantly greater reduction in gingival severity index as compared to a regular fluoride dentifrice containing 1,450 ppm fluoride as sodium fluoride after three months and six months of product use.

Thus, patients with moderate to severe gingival inflamed sites showed a 33.3%* reduction in the gum inflammation after three months of use and even 56.6%* reduction after six months use (p<0.001) (Delgado et al, 2018).
New Colgate Total provides an additional tool for patients to maintain their overall health. It effectively controls plaque bacteria, which is the underlying cause of gum-related problems and other oral conditions.
Indeed, three out of four patients find it important to receive a dentist recommendation for toothpaste (Colgate data on file).
Therefore support your patients in their desire to proactively look after their mouth. Recommend New Colgate Total as their everyday toothpaste for whole mouth health.
Discover more about the Colgate Total formula at
# Periodontal pocketing of 6mm or more.
$ Statistically significant greater reduction of cultivable bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums with Colgate Total versus non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste at four weeks. Twelve hours after brushing.
* Statistically significant reductions versus non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste (p<0.001).
Delgado E, Garcia-Godoy F, Montero-Aguilar M, Mateo LR and Ryan M (2018) A Clinical Investigation of a Dual Zinc plus Arginine Dentifrice in Reducing Established Dental Plaque and Gingivitis Over a Six-Month Period of Product Use. J Clin Dent 29 (Spec Iss A): A33-40
Manus LM, Daep CA, Begum-Gafur R, Makwana E, Won B, Yang Y, Huang XY, Maloney V, Trivedi HM, Wu D and Masters JG (2018) Enhanced In Vitro Zinc Bioavailability through Rational Design of a Dual Zinc plus Arginine Dentifrice. J Clin Dent 29 (Spec Iss A): A10-19
Prasad K, Therathil SG, Agnihotri A, Sreenivasan PK, Mateo LR and Cummins D (2018) The Effects of Two New Dual Zinc plus Arginine Dentifrices in Reducing Oral Bacteria in Multiple Locations in the Mouth: 12-Hour Whole Mouth Antibacterial Protection for Whole Mouth Health. J Clin Dent 29 (Spec Iss A): A25-32