Dentists are working longer hours with less annual holiday, according to the latest figures from NHS Digital.
There has also been a notable drop in the amount of time dentists spend on clinical work across the UK.
Principal dentists have also dropped the amount of time they spend on NHS work during the week.
‘The number of dentists providing NHS services continues to increase,’ an NHS spokesperson said.
‘Most importantly for our patients, when people need to get an NHS dentist appointment they are almost always able to get one.
‘And nine times out of 10, their experience is positive.’
Motivation drops
The more time dentists spend working on NHS work, the lower their levels of motivation, the figures also show.
Over the last six years motivation of dentists has seen a gradual drop in England, Wales and Scotland.
Increasing expenses, a drop in income and regulations are listed as the main reasons for low morale.
‘Austerity is meant to be over, but across the UK NHS dentistry is running on fumes,’ Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, BDA chair, said.
‘We’ve seen a drop in real incomes without precedent in the public sector.
‘The results are predictable, morale at an all-time low, recruitment and retention problems mounting, as patients wait longer or travel further for care.’
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