The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has announced it will be updating its standards on implant dentistry.
Led by Professor Cemal Ucer, along with Dr Simon Wright and Dr Andrew Shelley, Standards in Implant Dentistry, which will be released next year, will provide evidence-graded recommendations categorised using the FGDP(UK) ‘ABC’ (aspirational, basic, conditional) notation.
‘Delivery of satisfactory dental implant treatment, and its long-term success and maintenance, requires complex and invasive surgical and restorative procedures using a variety of highly specialised products, biomaterials and equipment,’ Professor Cemal Ucer, editor of Standards in Implant Dentistry, said.
‘Constantly emerging new materials, techniques and treatment modalities can give rise to variance in the standard of treatment between practitioners and institutions, and we are developing Standards in Implant Dentistry to enable dentists to optimise their quality of patient care and reduce variations in treatment outcomes.
‘Based on a systematic review of the evidence and critical appraisal of the benefits and harms of all treatment options, our best practice guidelines should be seen to set national standards on how patients who are candidates for dental implant treatment should be assessed and treated.’
Implant training
The current FGDP(UK) standards in implant dentistry are used by the GDC to define implant training in the UK.
Professor Ucer and Dr Wright are directors of Implant Centres of Excellence (ICE) Postgraduate Institute and Hospital, and academic leads for the MSc in dental implants at Edge Hill University, and Dr Andrew Shelley is a specialist in prosthodontics, and honorary research fellow at the University of Manchester.
‘Implant dentistry is one of the most significant advances in oral healthcare of the last 30 years, and is now routinely available, and an increasingly popular treatment from which thousands of patients are benefitting every year,’ Dr Mick Horton, dean of FGDP(UK), said.
‘Since 2008, the profession has agreed on the standards to which dentists must be trained in order to place implants safely and competently, and while a range of guidance on clinical care is available, the FGDP(UK) recognises the need to establish clear national standards for the benefit of patients.
‘I would like to thank Professor Ucer and his team on behalf of the faculty for their ongoing work.’