Due to recent world events, the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has moved its Perio Master Clinic 2017 to the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta, Malta.
This is the second EFP Perio Master Clinic, a high-level international congress devoted to the practical and clinical aspects of periodontal science that takes place every three years. It is a highly educational and valuable event for periodontists and all members of the dental team, including any health professional with an interest in gum health. The topic covered will be ‘Peri-implantitis: from aetiology to treatment’.
Korkud Demirel is congress chair of Perio Master Clinic 2017, supported by scientific chair Stefan Renvert.
‘Since implants became a major part of our practices, the incidence of peri-implant diseases is also on the rise, and in this unique setting attendees will have the chance to listen to and discuss with world-renowned master clinicians on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases,’ explained Korkud.
Perio Master Clinic 2017 offers a packed programme with seven in-depth sessions running throughout the two-day event. Presentations include Prevention of peri-implant disease, Can we reduce the risk of peri-implant disease by improving soft tissues adjacent to implants? and Treatment plan for advanced peri-implantitis cases. The seminars will be hosted by world-renowned experts and there will also be a small exhibition and networking area for attendees.
The first Perio Master Clinic was held in Paris in 2014 to high acclaim – with 98% of attendees saying they would recommend the experience. Perio Master Clinic 2017 forms part of the EFP’s overall strategy to hold regular, world-class events and complements the Europerio9 congress planned for 2018 in Amsterdam. The Perio Master Clinics are attended by up to 600 delegates, creating an intimate and effective workshop environment. In stark contrast, Europerio8 in London attracted more than 10,000 visitors.
For the full itinerary and details of how to register, interested delegates should visit http://www.efp.org/periomasterclinic.