Prescribing dentists have been given a new Competency Framework for all Prescribers to follow by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS).
The new framework, published today (14 July), will outline a common set of key competencies necessary for all prescribers, regardless of their professional background, to follow.
The framework sets out 10 competencies, focused on the consultation process and prescribing governance, within which are statements describing the activity or outcomes prescribers should be able to demonstrate.
Prescribing the right medicines
‘Both the number of medicines prescribed and the complexity of medicine regimes are increasing,’ RPS president, Ash Soni, said.
‘The challenges associated with prescribing the right medicines and supporting patients to use them effectively should not be underestimated.
‘There’s lots of evidence to show that much needs to be done to improve the way we prescribe and support patients in effective medicines use.
‘This user-friendly guide will be invaluable and I’m delighted the RPS has co-ordinated the update.’