The fourth NHS Confidence Monitor has been launched for dental professionals to have their say on NHS dentistry.
The survey was started to gain an insight into dental professionals’ confidence in the future of NHS dentistry and it monitors:
- Future career prospects
- Remuneration levels
- Getting the balance of treatment versus prevention within the NHS right
- The ability of the team to work effectively within the NHS
- Whether patients will be happy with level of care provided.
‘The last NHS Confidence Monitor carried out was the most extensive so far, having grown in popularity partly because all team members want to have their say on the potential for change,’ Judith Husband, who sits on the BDA’s Principal Executive Committee, said.
‘As the first of its kind in the UK and leading the way in informing the dental team, it is wonderful that we are now in a position to use the data gathered to offer advice on a continuing basis, helping everyone working in a dental practice to rise above any perceived challenges and improve the situation for professionals and patients alike.’
NHS Confidence Monitor
To have your say on the latest NHS Confidence Monitor, visit before 31 July.
You can view detailed responses from the previous NHS Confidence Monitor’s, along with discussions from insight panels, by visiting
‘With three sets of data behind us, there is no denying the value of the results gathered to date,’ Eddie Crouch, vice chair of the British Dental Association Principal Executive Committee, said.
‘As well as helping to enlighten the profession, the information gathered can be used as a springboard to support dental teams in planning for a better future.
‘The more information we can gather, the better the advice experts in the field will be able to offer.
‘So, for instance, the concern shown in the survey about the dental team’s ability to work effectively within the NHS has led us to look into how a principal might improve the skill mix within the practice to deliver the best possible results.
‘As the picture of the future of NHS dentistry builds, more and more dentists and their teams will be able to benefit from the monitor results, to enable effective future planning for all dental practices, whatever the future may hold for NHS dentistry.’