Dental practice sales have remained stable over the last quarter, according to the latest figures from NASDAL.
The National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers (NASDAL) has suggested that this shows a steadiness in the dental practice market, despite the goodwill value reaching on average 109% of turnover.
‘My own personal view is that the market has been rising steadily over the past year or so,’ Alan Suggett, specialist dental accountant and partner at UNW LLP, said.
‘We have seen the very high prices paid in the London area spreading to other major conurbations such as Nottingham and Manchester.’
Goodwill values
NHS dental practices have achieved an average goodwill value of 125% of turnover, according to the figures.
Comparatively, private dental practices achieved a goodwill value of 81% of turnover and mixed dental practices achieved 115% of turnover.
‘We do of course need to remind all parties that as with all averages, these statistics should be treated as a guideline only,’ Alan concluded.
The figures in the survey relate to the quarter ending 31 July 2015.