Synexus, one of the world’s largest multinational companies dedicated to the successful recruitment and running of clinical studies, is currently seeking dentistry partners across the UK to help recruit patients for clinical studies and in turn help improve the health of future generations. But how can you help and what’s in it for you?
So who are Synexus we hear you say…?
Synexus has been involved in clinical research for over 20 years. Each year, thousands of patients take part in a variety of late stage clinical studies, covering a broad range of therapy areas, at Synexus’ Dedicated Clinical Research Centres across the world. Each study that Synexus conducts is stringently reviewed and approved by both the UK regulatory authority (MHRA) and an independent ethics committee.
Synexus has eight Dedicated Clinical Research Centres across the UK and is currently recruiting patients for a range of studies including high cholesterol, asthma, smoking cessation, knee pain and psoriasis.
Who takes part in clinical studies?
The patients who volunteer to take part in Synexus clinical studies do so for a number of different reasons. Some may have an existing medical condition and wish to contribute to further research into its treatment and cure. Others may be related to or know someone in such a situation. Others may be driven purely by altruism and a commitment to extending human knowledge.
There is no obligation for patients to participate in any study and if they do decide to take part, their GP will be kept fully informed of their involvement. Throughout the study, Synexus monitors participants health carefully using standard medical tests and procedures – there is no charge for the study treatment or any study related care. Assessment can be stopped at any time and patients can leave the study at any time if they change their mind.
But how can I help?
One of the ways in which Synexus recruits patients to take part in its clinical studies is by working in partnership with local healthcare practitioners such as GPs and dental practices in order to identify patients who may be suitable for its clinical research studies.
How does it work?
The process is simple:
- Once Synexus is commissioned to conduct a new clinical study and all appropriate ethical approval has been granted, the Synexus clinical relations team liaises with partner practices in order to obtain agreement to participate in recruitment for the clinical study
- Dentistry partners search their database for appropriate patients – these are generally basic searches, based primarily on gender, age and medical background
- Any appropriate patients that are identified are sent an ethically approved letter (by your team at the dental practice so that no confidential patient data is passed over to Synexus) introducing them to the study and asking them to contact Synexus should they be interested in finding out more/taking part in the study. Patient choice is integral to the process – it is the patient who decides to contact Synexus directly should they be interested in study participation.
You will have no actual involvement in conducting the study, in fact, there is almost no extra work required. All we require is indirect access to your database, which is always completely in line with ethics and data protection rules.
But what’s in it for me?
Partnering with Synexus means that both your patients and your practice benefit. After all, that’s what a partnership is all about, and at Synexus we take that relationship very seriously.
By working with Synexus you can generate extra income for your dental practice and staff – you will be financially compensated for the time taken to undertake the activities outlined above as well as being reimbursed for any out of pocket costs such as postage. In addition you can also be confident that you are playing an active role in advancing medicine and helping improve the health of future generations
…and my patients?
Any of your patients who are enrolled onto a Synexus clinical study will receive reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses and will also be compensated for their time. They will also receive increased medical care at no cost and potential relief from their medical condition. They may also benefit from medications that aren’t yet available to other sufferers of their condition, all while making a positive contribution to the health of future generations.
Sound interesting? For more information visit or call Synexus on 01257 237476, or email [email protected] to discuss further.