Dental plan provider Patient Plan Direct has partnered with Chrysalis Finance to promote a solution to offering patient finance that is quick, simple, low cost, sophisticated and unique.
Patient Plan Direct and Chrysalis Finance have joined forces to market their respective services to the dental community. Both companies share the same ethos of embracing technology, making life simple for dental practices and ensuring a practice can maximise the profitability of the dentistry they deliver.
Chrysalis Finance recently launched its unique approach to offering patient finance that takes away the headache and requirement of a practice obtaining a consumer credit licence directly with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
As Chrysalis Finance is authorised with full permission as a principal firm by the Financial Conduct Authority, a dental practice is able to become an appointed representative of Chrysalis Finance, as such taking away any regulation, risk or authorisation responsibilities for a practice.
This is a new genuine forward step within the industry and Chrysalis Finance is the first finance company to offer this service to dental practices, enabling them to focus on growing their business and not yet more compliance and regulation.
Quick and simple set up
This unique approach is made even more attractive thanks to the super quick and simple set up, unbeatable subsidy rates, first-class dedicated support, payments made quicker than any other finance provider and some of the best acceptance rates in the market.
Simon Reynolds, commercial director of Patient Plan Direct, explained; ‘We are very pleased to be announcing our partnership with Chrysalis Finance. We identified demand from the practices we work with for access to a first-class and simple patient finance facility that attracts low subsidy rates, enabling a practice to maximise the income they retain when providing treatment through finance.
‘This is exactly what Chrysalis Finance is able to deliver, which is made even better because of its unique authorisation with the FCA, taking away the headache of a practice needing to obtain and pay for their own licensing.’
Chris Baldwin, head of sales at Chrysalis Finance, added; ‘Our unique approach to enabling a practice to offer patient finance quickly, simply and at low cost mirrors Patient Plan Direct’s approach to enabling a practice to run and develop a successful patient dental plan. As such, a partnership was a very obvious strategy and we look forward to supporting each other in helping more practices throughout the UK.’
Chrysalis Finance specialises in dentistry finance and is the only provider requiring a practice not to be licensed directly with the FCA. Chrysalis Finance manages any risk and compliance on a practices behalf along with the best funding rates and options available in the market.
Patient Plan Direct provides an easy to use, highly efficient and very cost effective method of enabling practices to offer patients a dental plan. Patient Plan Direct’s unique approach embraces 21st century technology, gives a practice control and is proven to improve plan income and profitability.