Hassan Mushaid explains how to make your patients feel important.
If you are sat with your family then the following question won’t apply to you, however, if you are sat at work, in a public area or sat on public transport, ask yourself this question: Who is the most important person in the room, the train, the lounge or whatever?
Answer it honestly.
The answer should be you.
The most important person in the room is you.
This simple question can allow you to influence people enormously and effectively.
Like you, others will also consider themselves to be the most important.
Knowing this, you can gain their respect, appreciation and adoration.
When a patient walks into your practice, they believe they are the most important person in the room and sometimes they also believe they are the most important person in the world.
If you mirror their belief and make them feel what they believe, they will quickly make a positive connection with you.
They will listen to whatever you have to say without letting it fall out of the other ear.
So how do you make the other person feel like they are important?
Everyone knows how to do this; you do this without thinking for the people you love.
When it comes to patients you cannot love them (if you do you can expect legal prosecution) but you can make them feel important replicating some of those love traits and showing them that you care.
Here are a few ways in which you can get show your patients that you care and in turn get them to respect you, your opinions and to promote your practice positively:
- Introduce yourself and proactively ask their name. Shake their hand and ask them polite questions such as: how they feel today, or what they have been up to. Actively look for signs that hint what they have been doing that day and comment or talk about them
- Listen. A person is aware of the attention their listener is giving them. When your patient is talking listen to every word they say. Acknowledge you have listened by simply nodding your head and always maintain eye contact throughout the conversation
- Show empathy and agree with how they feel by saying simple and reassuring things such as: ‘I know exactly how you feel’ or ‘it’s understandable to feel that way’ and ‘that sounds interesting’
- Match their facial expressions during a conversation
- Demonstrate to them that for them you will go the extra mile. This can be a simple gesture such as handing them a tissue box to opening the doors on their way in and out. You could also speak on their behalf to the receptionist, saving them time and relieving them of the trouble they may have experienced while explaining themselves
- Through your actions and speech reassure them that they don’t need to worry about anything anymore as you will take care of everything for them.
These simple gestures will make anyone feel important.
If they don’t warm up to you initially, they will eventually.
People are always more appreciative when others show that they care through their interactions.
By performing these simple acts you can guarantee that your patients will talk positively about their experience at your practice, which adds a golden badge to your reputation.
We’ve always been taught that ‘an act of kindness can go a long way’, so why not use this in your work place.
Your patient could have had a bad day, if you make them feel important and show your concern, it will create an atmosphere of friendliness and warmth within your practice that patients will happily return to and even recommend.