Neil Photay gives you some hints and tips on how to get the perfect shade.
There is a whole science behind accurate shade taking. The more information you can get to the technician, the better.
Ideally every ceramist would love to work with photos, as they get an idea of the whole character of the patient. But for quick shade matches we have compiled a list of tips and tricks our clients use to get good, accurate results.
Shade take before prepping
While in the chair and during treatment the teeth will dehydrate, get the shade as soon as the patient comes in – this is when they will be most hydrated and is the best time to take the shade.
Natural lighting
Shade taking is best done in natural light or with standardised daylight bulbs, avoid shade taking under strong overhead lighting.
Be quick
The eye’s ability to define colour starts to fade after five to seven seconds of staring. Prolonged staring at the teeth can make it very difficult to differentiate shades. Be swift and trust your instinct.
Bright makeup
If a patient has bright lipstick on, the contrasting colours can confuse your eyes, cover the lips with a neutral blue/grey card or even just with your finger.
Guys, ask a lady for a second opinion
Science has proved that women can see more shades and have a greater ability to define colours.
Stump shade
If you are going for an all-ceramic restoration take the stump shade, if the core is very dark it will affect the final resulting shade.
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