The third edition of Public Health England’s toolkit for preventive dentistry has been welcomed by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD).
Claire Stevens, media spokesperson for BSPD and a consultant in paediatric dentistry, said that keeping the guidance up-to-date, both reflecting the latest evidence as well as what is recognised good practice, was helpful to all working to combat dental disease.
The third edition of ‘Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention’ has been revised in the light of the latest evidence. Importantly, said Claire, the toolkit lists the advice and actions for all patients to maintain good oral health.
‘We welcome equity of access to preventive advice and care but also tailored advice for those at higher risk. Paediatric dentists also welcome a collaborative approach as risk factors for many general health conditions are common to those that affect oral health, such as obesity,’ said Claire.
Already, Claire continued, GDPs referred to paediatric dentists quoting the advice contained in the toolkit. ‘We are delighted that Public Health England has kept faith with this important document and look forward to seeing evidence of reduced caries as a result. We would also like to see more work on reducing barriers to accessing care.’
Among the working group for the latest edition of the toolkit was Professor Jan Clarkson, co-director of the dental health services research unit at the University of Dundee School of Dentistry. She is also a member of the Cochrane Oral Health Group, which advised on the document.