Receptionist, Charlotte Anderson-Hughes, and dentist, Chandra Metha, were forced to use a defibrillator on Simon Walker, 53, from Hyde, after he collapsed in the waiting room of the dental practice, the Mail Online has reported.
After calling for an ambulance, the dentistry team performed CPR and used a defibrillator to shock Simon’s heart back into a normal rhythm.
Charlotte said: ‘He collapsed on the floor. Chandra shouted for me and put him in the recovery position but it wasn't working, it happened all so fast.
‘I was looking at him and he was clinically dead, he was going blue and his eyes were open, it was awful.
‘We got the defibrillator and used it twice, it was only then that we got a pulse.
‘You just say to yourself, “keep going, keep going or he's going to die”.
‘We do the first aid training but you never think you'll have to use it.’
Simon was taken to Wythenshawe Hospital by paramedics and is on the road to recovery.
He has let the staff at Maggie Jackson’s Independent Dental Hygiene Service (MIDHS) know that he is eternally grateful for the help they gave him.
Simon said: ‘I owe Charlotte and Chandra big time.
‘How I can pay them back for what they did is impossible to say.
‘I want to do something for them but I don't know what yet, I'll probably raise some money for more defibrillators around the town.
‘My family were at my bedside yesterday and today they are just over the moon that I'm still here.
‘I only walked to the dentist because I thought the exercise wouldn't do me any harm.’
Maggie Jackson, who runs MIDHS, explained that her staff were incredible: ‘He's (Simon) a friend of mine, so to have my staff save him was amazing.
‘He was dead. He was clinically dead.
‘Chandra did 15 minutes of chest compressions before they used the defibrillator, he's very fit.
‘I'm so relieved my staff did what they did. I'm so proud. They were incredible.’
Although not a legal requirement, the Scottish Government has recently launched a £1 million scheme to put a defibrillator in every dental practice in Scotland, reported here.
Michael Matheson, Scotland’s public health minister, said: 'Every second counts when someone's heart goes into cardiac arrest and having access to a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death.
'There are almost 1,000 NHS dental practices in the centre of Scottish communities.
'By giving them this equipment, we are providing 1,000 more chances to save a life.'