Saturday 29 June sees leading light Irfan Ahmad taking to the podium once again in Gateshead for Kerr’s roadshow. This follows an overwhelming response to Kerr’s series of events that started in November 2012, and had concluded with a grand finale in London in March of this year.
Today’s materials allow dentists to achieve long-lasting, aesthetically-pleasing results in a shorter time than was possible in the past. However, to get the best treatment outcome, Kerr says it is imperative that dentists understand not only the materials but also how they have been designed to work.
Kerr’s Gateshead roadshow will allow participants to hear Irfan Ahmad speak about anterior and posterior direct composite restorations followed by that all-important hands-on element, including the special bulk-fill Sonicfill system.
Irfan says, ‘I am delighted to have been invited back following success of our last roadshow event. This meeting will provide a combination of lectures and hand-on sessions, with an ethos of ‘teach me’, rather than ‘show me’.
All-important topics to be covered in-depth include:
• bonding
• composite restorations – anterior and posterior finishing and polishing
• bulk-fill posterior composites using Sonicfill
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