Allowing participants to hear, see and perform various aesthetic techniques to achieve the best results, this is an event not to be missed
Modern dental materials enable today’s clinicians to achieve aesthetically pleasing and long lasting results in a shorter time than ever before. To get the best treatment outcome, dentists need to understand not just what the materials can achieve but also how they have been designed to work.
Kerr recognises that the latest materials and techniques can present new clinical challenges, and has arranged these interactive events to enable dentists to hear eminent clinicians speak about what’s available and how to get the best from them, followed by a hands-on element.
What’s in it for you?
The roadshow hits The Sage in Gateshead on Friday 15 February and London Zoo on Saturday 16 February. The meetings are a combination of lectures and hand-on sessions, with an ethos of ‘teach me’, rather than ‘show me’.
With an emphasis on scientifically sound and clinically relevant techniques, each event will focus on cutting edge new materials, and show how they can be readily be incorporated into routine practice.
It is the ideal environment for those who wish to:
• Provide aesthetic restorations with simplicity and predictability
• Incorporate procedures that are expedient and predictable
• Create durable direct and indirect restorations
• Save time and money for both themselves and their patients
• Update themselves on the latest materials and techniques for modern dentistry
• Have questions that are pertinent to clinical daily practice
• Maximise success and minimise failure
• Provide minimal intervention, maximum satisfaction dentistry.
Inspiration and participation
At the heart of the roadshow are inspiration and participation; inspiration from the speakers and participation from the delegates. It is hoped that this recipe will create a relaxed atmosphere where everyone shares experiences and gains useful and practical information for improving their clinical skills for the benefit of their patients.
After attending one these events participants will, for example, understand the rationale for direct and indirect restorations, as well as how to address the ethical and clinical concerns raised by the practice of aesthetic dentistry. In addition, delegates will learn about new materials such as self-adhesive flowable and bulk fill composites, and the advantages of the latter as compared to incremental layering for posterior direct fillings.
By choosing to join Kerr’s aesthetics roadshow, you can be sure you will be learning from the best to achieve the best.
To book your place, please email [email protected] or call the Conference Shop on 0845 873 6299.
At each event, Irfan will share with participants:
• Impressions
1. How to achieve perfect results with putty-wash, every time
2. Hate packing cord? A simpler approach to tissue retraction
3. Are we really ready to replace alginate with silicones?
• Bonding
1. Simple ‘universal’ bonding agents: are we there yet?
2. Understanding what’s in the bottle(s)
• Composite
1. How can we achieve the best results for our patients, yet rationalise the number of shade/products we keep in stock?
2. Anatomical layering for large anterior composite restorations
3. Layering for posterior composites: which is the best technique?
4. Bulk filling of posterior composites: are the materials ready?
5. Layering versus bulk fill – which is best?
6. Finishing and polishing techniques
• Cementation and luting
1. Which cement for which restoration?
2. How to rationalise the contents of your stock cupboard
• Maintenance
1. How to ensure restorations look as good as possible long-term.
Irfan Ahmad has 25 years of clinical experience and currently maintains a private practice on the outskirts of London at The Ridgeway Dental Surgery, emphasising aesthetic, prosthodontic and implant dentistry. As well as lecturing in the UK, Irfan Ahmad is a popular speaker, having lectured in nearly 30 countries. Irfan is also the sole author of five dental textbooks.