The eighth annual Young Dentist Conference will take place at the Royal College of Physicians, London on Saturday 9 February 2013.
The event that is jointly organised by Dental Protection, the BDA and BDJ, is specifically directed to the needs of dentists in the early years of their career, and offers an innovative and entertaining programme that is unlike any other.
The programme for 2013 will feature four excellent speakers.
Ian Dunn, teaching lead in periodontics at Liverpool University, will look at ‘treating periodontal disease’ and the challenges young dentists may face when patients go undiagnosed.
Nick Lewis, a consultant in restorative dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital, will examine the pros and cons of ‘restoration, extraction and referral’ and will suggest areas to look out for when considering which option is in the patient’s best interests.
Michael Lessani, GDP (London), will discuss the various options available to recently qualified dentists, and will provide insights into his own ‘first five years’ in practice.
John Tiernan, director of MPS Educational Services, will explore communication skills (with both patients and members of the clinical team), consent, record keeping and ethics.
The Young Dentist Conference includes five hours verifiable CPD and tickets are now available. Tickets for DPL and BDA members are available for £120, and for non-members £180.
To book, please contact 020 7399 1339 or visit further information.