The Dentistry Top 50 readers’ poll returns for another year – find out how to make your vote count…
Once again, Dentistry magazine and begin the year by launching our annual Top 50 poll to discover who our readers believe are the most influential people in the current UK dental sector.
This will be the seventh running of this immensely popular feature, which has captured the imagination of the profession since its launch in 2006.
Every year, we invite our readers and users of to vote for 10 people they feel are the most influential in the UK dental profession.
You may wish to vote for valued colleagues, respected academics, prominent association leaders, important political figures, astute media analysts or whoever, it’s entirely up to you.
Once all the votes are in, we count them up and then reveal the 50 people who received the most nominations.
Last year, you voted well-known cosmetic dentist James Goolnik, former president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and principal of the much-heralded Bow Lane Dental Group, as your number one. But who will it be in 2012?
As in previous years, we have provided a list of suggested names you may want to consider when deciding who to vote for. This is only to help you conjure up some ideas – you are free to vote for people not mentioned on the list.
To view the list and to vote, visit You must nominate 10 names for your entry to be counted.
This poll is open to all readers of Dentistry magazine and users of The deadline for all votes is Friday 9 March 2012. No votes received after this date will be counted.
Lifetime contribution
This year we’re adding a little extra spice to the Top 50 poll by also offering our readers the chance to vote for the person they feel has made the most significant ‘lifetime contribution’ to UK dentistry throughout its history.
It can be someone still practising, retired or even no longer with us. It can also be someone you have voted for in the regular Top 50 nominations. But it must be just one name.
Who’s it going to be? An inventor whose work drove the profession forward? A pioneering practitioner or daring visionary who was ahead of their time? A groundbreaking figure that revolutionised working practices, conditions or regulations? Or even someone whose contribution to the profession or industry you feel has not been given enough credit over the years?
This is just a sideline to our annual Top 50 poll, and is separate to the main event. The name of the person who receives the most votes will be revealed at the same time as our Top 50 list.