Thousands of vulnerable people are being reminded they should look after their oral health this winter after scientists further linked oral bacteria to an increased risk of pneumonia.
The study found changes in bacteria in the mouth preceded the development of pneumonia, and lead author Dr Samit Joshi of Yale University School of Medicine concluded this process ‘suggests that changes in oral bacteria play a role in the risk for developing pneumonia’.
It is thought pneumonia affects over 620,000 people in the UK and claims the lives of around five per cent of those who contract the disease.
Although further research is required to determine the exact relationship between oral health and pneumonia, it is not the first time the two diseases have been linked.
Poor oral health has been associated with respiratory diseases for a number of years, as bacterial chest infections are thought to be caused by breathing in fine droplets from the throat and mouth into the lungs.
This can cause infections, such as pneumonia, or could worsen an existing condition. Studies have even suggested a higher mortality rate from pneumonia in people with higher numbers of deep gum pockets.
The findings of the study present further evidence that there’s a significant health risk to the elderly and the young, according to chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter.
Dr Carter said: ‘During the winter months we’re all susceptible to colds, coughs and chesty viruses due to the drop in temperature. What people must remember, particularly those highlighted as vulnerable, is that prevention can be very basic.
‘Systemic links between gum disease and overall health have been well documented, and at this time of year keeping up good oral health can really help stave off illness.
The research, presented on 22 October at the Infectious Diseases Society of America annual meeting in Boston, looked at 37 subjects who were followed for a one-month period.
The subjects included 19 healthy adults with an average age of 60; and those at risk for healthcare-associated pneumonia including 10 nursing home residents (average age 86) and eight mechanically ventilated ICU patients (average age 51).