This world-class hands-on workshop takes place on Friday 10-Saturday 11 February 2012 at the Royal Society of Medicine, London.
The full-day seminar on Friday 10 February will cover the most important aspects of adhesive dentistry for performing all types of bonding procedures.
The topics covered will include: principles of adhesion, the best bonding systems & techniques, specific recommendations, methods for creating a properly wet-etched dentin surface, the truth about deep posterior restorations, and much more!
Don’t miss the half day wet bonding hands-on experience on Saturday 11 February** which will see all techniques learnt put into action as Dr Kanca guides you towards excellent and predictable results.
It will leave you armed with the skills to maximise the performance of resin bonding agents; place large, durable resin composite restorations; to evaluate and treat different types of tooth pain; generate outstanding posterior contacts; place sensitivity-free restorations and more!
A world-wide authority figure on bonding, Dr John Kanca is one of the real pioneers in dentistry. He gave validation of acid etching dentin and made it an everyday possibility. Additionally, he discovered the concepts of wet bonding and pulse activation and was the first to regularly seal dentin under crown preparations.
Book onto the hands-on and attend a lecture for FREE!
Pay just £995+VAT* (standard price £1,350+VAT) to experience John Kanca’s first ever UK hands-on appearance this 2012!
Call 0800 371652 quoting ‘Kanca995’ to benefit from this limited edition offer!
Only 50 hands-on places available!
Call 0800 371652 now quoting ‘Kanca995’ to benefit from this incredible offer! For more information, visit
*Not to be used in conjunction with any offer
**Choose between morning or afternoon session, subject to availability. Up to 150 delegates will be in attendance at the full day lecture on Friday 10 February. If you wish to attend just the lecture on 10 February, see website for prices.