Almost 6,000 General Dental Council (GDC) registrants have responded to a survey recently carried out as part of the GDC’s review of its mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme.
The GDC commissioned ERS: Research to undertake an online survey exploring what registrants think about CPD.
The findings will contribute to the wider review that is taking a thorough look at the GDC’s current CPD requirements.
The online survey was conducted with a random representative sample of GDC registrants and included questions about their perceptions and motivations for undertaking CPD.
The results are due to be published in early 2012.
The GDC introduced compulsory CPD for dentists in 2002 and for dental care professionals (DCPs) in 2008.
The current requirements for both registrant categories have been in place since 2008 and the GDC felt the time was right to undertake a review.
Any new CPD requirements will not be introduced before 2013.
Claire Herbert, head of revalidation at the GDC, said: ‘There has been an overwhelming uptake of the online survey and we are grateful to all registrants who have contributed.
‘A modified approach to CPD will be a key step towards developing a workable, proportionate and cost-effective approach to revalidation in the future.’
As registered dental professionals, all registrants have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date so they can give patients the best possible treatment and care.
Any changes to the GDC’s CPD scheme will have an impact on registrants in the future so they are being encouraged to have their say now.
General comments about CPD can still be sent to [email protected].