November saw a very hairy month for all the male staff at Westdale Dental in Nottingham.
All had agreed to take part in Movember to help raise money for men’s health charities to ‘change the face of men’s health’.
After a tentative start, the soup strainers soon became visible and many a patient was commenting.
The practice placed a large donation tin in reception and so far, the team’s efforts have raised £830.
There were some problems, Dr Sandeep Chita had started to grow a ‘tash but was ‘paid off’ by his wife to the tune of a £150 donation to shave it off and Dr Rod Myers became disillusioned with his facial growth and whisked it away at week three.
Hygienist Shaun Howe said: ‘Some dye enhanced the already fabulous growths and the team were looking forward to 1 December when all will be washed down the plughole. A fabulous effort and many thanks to all the very generous patients that donated.’
Visit to make a donation.