The 2011 BADN Outstanding Contribution to Dental Nursing Award, sponsored by WR Berkley (Europe) Ltd, was presented to Fiona Ellwood at the sixth Honours and Awards Dinner at the Chancery Court Hotel, London on 24 November 2011.
Fiona started work as a dental nurse in 1983 and became a BADN member when she qualified in 1986. She is currently a Director of the Dental Business Academy and leads their educational sector.
Over the last 15 years, Fiona has been developing educational programmes for student dental nurses on a national level and is currently developing international programmes.
She is also a valued member of the mentoring development team and a key skills assessor for the Faculty of General Dental Practice, and a member of their Editorial Board, as well as BADN’s Regional Coordinator for the East Midlands.
Fiona is an Internal Verifier and an Assessor; a member of the Institute for Learning, the Institute for Verifiers and Assessors, and the National Oral Health Promotion Group, as well as a BADN Fellow. She is also a consultant/training advisor for dental corporate IDH.
BADN president Nicola Docherty, who presented the award to Fiona, said: ‘I am delighted to recognise Fiona’s contribution to dental nursing, and particularly to dental nurse education, over the last two decades. It is dental nurses like Fiona, who give freely and willingly of their time and expertise, who are the future of our profession. I should also like to thank WR Berkley, providers of indemnity cover to BADN members, for their generous sponsorship of this award.’
The dinner, organised by the BDA and sponsored by the BDTA, included the presentation of awards by several dental associations – Peter Davey received a Fellowship from the Dental Technologists Association, Terry Abbott was awarded the British Dental Trade Association Award, and Gail Marsh was added to the British Association of Dental Therapists’ Roll of Distinction – together with numerous BDA awards including the 2011 BDA Good Practice Scheme Good Practice of the Year, which was awarded to Osborne Dental in Newcastle.