4everlearning was busy at the BDTA Dental Showcase, with people queuing to sign up for online verifiable, unlimited CPD, which also includes core subjects.
Members and non-members were queuing up to scan the QR code for access to the web site and a free one-hour of CPD.
The new interactive website offers its members thousands of hours of CPD including clinical videos, podcasts, journals and free online courses, with no tests to take and no forms to fill in.
The intelligent patent-applied for technology simply records individual CPD logs for each member, including core subjects.
Jonathan Rosen, MD at 4everlearning said: ‘Satisfied members re-join us every year, indeed many members have completed their first five-year CPD cycle only using 4everlearning for all their CPD learning.’
At the show, up to 10 members from one practice could join up to Practice Membership for an annual fee of £533 (normally £799).