The Young Dentist Conference 2012 takes place 4 February at the Shaw Theatre, Novotel St Pancras in London.
Specifically directed to the needs of dentists in the early years of their career, the seventh annual conference is organised by Dental Protection, the BDA and BDJ.
Your generation looking after the older generation
As the populous of dentate elderly patients increases, we are facing huge challenges in providing their dental care. We all see heavily restored mouths, and whilst the dentistry may fail, the patients’ expectations keep rising. Do we repair, renew or remove? Whose decision is it and what are the influences and factors to take into account? With James Foster, Dento-Legal Adviser, Dental Protection.
Talking ‘bout my generation
There has always been a ‘generation gap’ and problems relating to communication and understanding can often result leading to conflict which could otherwise be avoided. As technology has accelerated the pace of change within the current environment, the gulf in understanding is widening. This has huge significance in terms of our interactions with patients, colleagues and team members of all ages, and not least in our family and personal lives. This presentation will inform, challenge, captivate and entertain you – whatever your age. With Dr Paul Redmond.
The associate within the NHS – current and proposed
Young dentists are often faced with associate contracts which may be complex and the implications may be difficult to determine. The speaker will suggest some common pitfalls which befall young dentists and provide some tips on what to look out for when signing an associate/ performers contract. 62 practices have been involved in pilot schemes for the new NHS contract due in 2014. A young associate from one of these practices discusses the scheme as they have experienced it, and suggests future pro’s and con’s of the new scheme, along with issues which may affect young dentists in the coming years. With Dr James Goldman, British Dental Association.
As a recently qualified dentist, you are likely to be one of the youngest members of the practice; however your qualifications and knowledge will exceed those of some other members of the team. There are likely to be team members who have been working within the dental profession for longer than you have been alive! How can a young professional contribute and assert their knowledge and authority within the team without stepping on any toes? How can a young dentist respond to the needs of the rest of the team whilst developing their own career? A young practice owner, discuss their experience of teamworking and the methods employed to get the best from their team members and themselves. With Dr Alpesh Khetia.
How to book
Tickets cost £120 for members of Dental Protection and/ or the BDA. Tickets for non-members cost £180 (both prices include VAT).
For more information or to book your tickets, contact [email protected] or visit