Dental professionals are being given extra time to respond to an online questionnaire about the General Dental Council’s (GDC) mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) scheme.
The closing date is now 28 October 2011.
The short survey is part of the review of the current scheme and the GDC is keen to learn from the experiences of a wide range of dental professionals.
The GDC wants to make sure that any recommendations and decisions about its future requirements reflect good practice in CPD. They also need to be workable and avoid unnecessary paperwork for registrants and for the GDC.
A key aim of the review is to ensure that the GDC’s CPD requirements support registrants in meeting its Standards. It’s therefore very keen to hear from registrants and other stakeholders about their CPD experiences and how the scheme might be improved.
The GDC is encouraging registrants to take this opportunity to become involved in this major project which will shape GDC expectations of them in the future.
All registrants are reminded that the GDC’s current CPD requirements remain in force.
As registered dental professionals, all registrants have a duty to keep their skills and knowledge up to date so they can give patients the best possible treatment and care.
For more information about the CPD requirements for dentists and DCPs, visit