The need to report an accident connected with work where an employee or a self-employed person working on your premises suffers an injury that leads to them being incapacitated has been increased.
It has been upped ftom three consecutive days to to seven consecutive days.
The HSE decided to recommend to the Work and Pensions Secretary that the proposed change to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 be carried into effect.
This followed a two-to-one majority of respondents involved in consultation carried out earlier this year.
According to the HSE, most respondents felt the change would not have an adverse consequence on national statistics.
Other positive key themes identified from the consultation were that:
• Administration burdens will be reduced
• Aligning the reporting period with that required under the new fit-note system will make sickness absence easier to manage
• The extended period will allow more time for employers to investigate the incident internally.
Concerns highlighted by those against the change included:
• The likelihood of a negative impact on the health and safety culture of organisations leading to a lowering of standards;
• Less opportunity for duty-holders and regulators to spot trends and incidents that could have resulted in more serious injuries
• Overall less compliance with RIDDOR – under which around half of all non-fatal workplace injuries currently go unreported.
The HSE also announced its intention to look at wider issues surrounding RIDDOR 12 months after this amendment comes into effect, which is likely to be 6 April 6 2012.
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