Tony Blair found it so difficult to work with Gordon Brown that he complained that ‘dealing with GB is like having dental treatment with no anaesthetic’, Alistair Darling recalls in his memoirs.
According to a leak of the memoirs, which will be published next week, Mr Darling tells of his shouting matches with Mr Brown over the need for public spending cuts as Britain plunged into the red.
He says that his position became so difficult after Mr Brown tried to sack him as Chancellor in 2009.
Mr Darling’s publisher, Atlantic Books, has denounced earlier leaks of the memoirs.
It said in a statement: ‘Following recent media speculation about Back from the Brink, the forthcoming memoir by Alistair Darling, Atlantic Books would like to state that the reports of the book’s contents do not fully and fairly represent the author’s views as expressed in the book.’
Tony Blair’s office declined last night to comment.