An audit carried out by the General Dental Council has found that many dentists are exceeding their verifiable CPD quota as well as incorporating the new core subjects into their studying.
More than 20 per cent of verifiable continuing professional development (CPD) completed by dentists is in three core subjects recommended by the Council – medical emergencies; disinfection and decontamination; and radiography and radiation protection.
The GDC audited a sample of dentists in the first completed five-year CPD cycle (2002 to 2006). Although core subjects were not introduced until January 2007, dentists’ records showed they were already incorporating these in their CPD activities.
100 per cent of dentists who sent in their records for the audit had complied with the CPD requirements and completed 75 hours of verifiable CPD. The vast majority provided evidence exceeding this amount.
Dentists had completed an average of 19 separate verifiable CPD activities, covering a range of clinical and other subjects relevant to their work. A number of good practices were highlighted, including using a personal development plan, keeping good records and staying up to date with CPD providers locally.
Duncan Rudkin, chief executive and registrar of the GDC, said: ‘The annual audit allows us to monitor compliance with the CPD requirements. We are pleased with the results of this first audit. Dentists in the first completed CPD cycle have gone above and beyond what was expected of them.
‘The recommended core subjects were new in 2007, so these dentists were not obliged to incorporate them. The fact that dentists have done more than 20 per cent of their verifiable CPD in these key areas is good news for patients, who can have confidence that dentists are keeping their skills and knowledge up to date.’
Further information on CPD is available at, or by calling the Registration Team on 0845 222 4141.