The British Dental Trade Association, organiser of Dental Showcase 2007, is once again linking up with Dentaid to launch its second instrument amnesty at the event.
At the Showcase in 2005, the BDTA and the international oral health charity ran the first ever instrument amnesty. This was a huge success and hundreds of people brought their surplus instruments to the show for Dentaid.
Since then, and thanks to this fantastic boost to stock levels, in the last two years alone Dentaid has been able to supply hundreds of instrument kits to charitable projects in countries such as Ukraine, India, Zambia, Kenya, Somalia, Nepal, Uganda, Romania, Liberia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Malawi and Rwanda.
However, this unprecedented level of demand has once again exhausted Dentaid’s stock of instruments, not helped by a burglary at Dentaid’s premises when quite a number were stolen, presumably for their scrap value.
The two organisations are appealing to all members of the dental team planning to visit the Dental Showcase to root through their cupboards and bring along any surplus instruments no longer required.
All functioning instruments will be welcome, but Dentaid is currently particularly short of:
• extraction forceps
• elevators
• mirrors
• scalpel handles and blades
• syringes
• excavators (large).
Dentaid’s stand number is F01a and will be right at the entrance to the hall. Please ensure all instruments have been sterilised and are packaged carefully to avoid injury. Please do not bring any other items of equipment (other than ultra-sonic scalars, light cure units, single pot compressors or ultra-sonic baths).
Dentaid is the leading oral health charity in the world having supported over 200 projects in 50 countries. For further information on the instrument amnesty, visit or telephone 01794 324249. For further information on BDTA Dental Showcase, visit