GDC Investigation

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Dentist struck off after secretly filming people on the toilet
After setting up camera in staff bathrooms to film his colleagues on the toilet, a dentist has been suspended from…
Kevin Lewis – fourteen wrongs don’t make a right
Don’t believe everything you hear via social media, chatrooms and the professional grapevine, warns Kevin Lewis. Just because the GDC…
GDC publishes ethnicity data for the first time
A disproportionately high number of GDC concerns were raised against Asian or Asian British dentists in 2021, the GDC report…
GDC delays have a human cost, the DDU shows
After a review into the GDC’s fitness to practise processes, the DDU has urged the GDC to improve its delays.…
The best possible outcome for a GDC investigation
MDDUS dental adviser Sarah Harford shares her golden rules for responding to a GDC investigation. GDC – three letters that…
GDC investigation trying to ‘trick dentists’
Dental Protection is accusing a GDC investigation of undercover tactics to ‘trick dentists’ into wrong doing. Its concerns stem from a…
Handling a GDC complaint
Knowing how to respond to a GDC complaint increases the chances of a positive outcome, says Alison Large It’s the…
GDC investigations leading to serious health problems
GDC investigations, negligence claims and increasing patient demands are causing some dental professionals to suffer serious health issues. A survey…
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