William Holme

William Holme is a dentist with a special interest in endodontics, taking referrals for complex root canal treatments and restoratively compromised teeth at Towngate Dental Practice in Leyland, Lancashire.

Following graduation from Newcastle University in 2016, Will has worked in Restorative and Maxillofacial hospital roles, as well as both NHS and private practice in the North West. With a passion for endodontics, in 2021 Will started the highly regarded clinical Masters in endodontology programme at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), graduating with distinction in 2023 and winning the DentsplySirona postgraduate award in Endodontology 2023. He continues to contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate Endodontic teaching programmes at UCLan alongside consultant in endodontics Shalini Kanagasingam.

Will prefers reciprocating file systems where possible and regards the WaveOne Gold file system as his ‘go to’ for the majority of his endodontic cases since undergraduate graduation and still even after completing his masters, even for challenging referral cases. He believes it is an incredibly versatile yet simple system and is well placed to show how it can be integrated into any dentist's endodontic protocol to streamline canal shaping and improve endodontic outcomes. 

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