Massimo Giovarruscio

Massimo Giovarruscio

Author at Dentistry Online

Dr Massimo Giovarruscio is a Specialist Endodontist recognised in the UK and abroad as a talented clinician, teacher and postgraduate lecturer. He originally graduated in Italy in 1996 and has since gained extensive experience in restorative and aesthetic dentistry, as well as becoming a GDC registered Specialist in Endodontics in 2010. In addition to working within several leading dental practices in Bristol and Gloucestershire, Massimo is a founding member of and tutor instructor at the Delta Dental Academy.

Posted in Posts

Impressive equipment, service and support

Dr Massimo Giovarruscio discusses the decision-making process for replacing his CBCT machine with a new model from Vatech – the Green X. When I was first introduced to CBCT imaging about 10 years ago, I was pessimistic about its advantages in endodontics. Today, my opinion couldn’t be more different. I have seen just how critical…

Posted in Posts

Impressive equipment, service and support

Dr Massimo Giovarruscio discusses the decision-making process for replacing his CBCT machine with a new model from Vatech – the Green X. When I was first introduced to CBCT imaging about 10 years ago, I was pessimistic about its advantages in endodontics. Today, my opinion couldn’t be more different. I have seen just how critical…

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