Dentistry is a topic politicians will not be allowed to ignore

With a general election round the corner, Nigel Jones and Eddie Crouch discuss where dentistry will fit into politicians’ plans.

What does the future of NHS dentistry look like? This was the subject of a conversation between BDA chair, Eddie Crouch, and Practice Plan sales and marketing director, Nigel Jones, during a session at the Dental Business Theatre at the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show recently.

The discussion came shortly after the Shadow Minister for Primary Care and Public Health had given a speech to the conference in which she declared there was no need for dentists to worry as ‘the cavalry is coming’. A bold statement which appeared to be viewed with some scepticism by Eddie Crouch!

Nevertheless, he states that he believes the Labour party does ‘get’ that if a comprehensive NHS dental service for the whole population is unaffordable, then the focus needs to shift totally towards prevention.

However, as he says, it takes ‘bottle’ to commit to such a radical change which would take more than a single parliamentary term to bear fruit. Whether they have the courage to do that remains a moot point.

‘Dentistry is only one of a very long list of other problems’

He also makes the point that making promises in opposition is much easier than acting on them when in power. Despite the warm words and apparent sympathy now, his concern is that dentistry is only one of a very long list of other problems an incoming government will need to turn its attention to.

The bigger fish they need to fry, such as dealing with the parlous state of the NHS in general, among other things, may supersede any pre-election promises to fix NHS dentistry. Having said that, he is confident that access to NHS dental care will be something politicians canvassing voters on doorsteps across the country will find themselves unable to avoid.

If you’re considering your options away from the NHS and are looking for a plan provider who will hold your hand through the process at a pace that’s right for you, why not start the conversation with Practice Plan on 01691 684165 or book your one-to-one NHS to private call today at

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