Practice growth with Active Aligners

active alignersDan Shaffer explains what Active Aligners are, answers frequently asked questions and explains how they can help build your practice.

What are Active Aligners?

Active Aligners are clear aligners that are specifically for aligning teeth in a predictable, smooth, clear and comfortable manner. Instead of metal brackets, wires or screws, patients wear a thermoplastic material to achieve desired results.

The patient will wear a series of aligners, each for 22 hours a day, one to two weeks at a time (per stage). This will move their teeth 0.2mm per stage until we reach their optimal alignment.


Often we refer to Active Aligners as transparent or clear braces. Made from FDA-approved material, they offer the following benefits:

  • Clear and virtually invisible
  • Removable and comfortable
  • Predictable and effective outcomes
  • Affordable alternative to traditional braces
  • six to eight-month average treatment time.

Treatment pathway

The treatment pathway is predictable and easy to follow for clinician and patient.

Prioritising Active Aligners in your practice

The best way to inform your patients about Active Aligners is to make use of the following marketing materials available to you:

  • 3D demo models
  • Free basic training
  • Pull-up banners
  • Patient brochures
  • Practice-branded video
  • Email, social and website content.

Building your practice with clear aligners

Active Aligners offers an amazing opportunity to build your practice and help your patients in ways that were previously inaccessible.

  • Talk to patients about clear aligners and present them as a viable option for treating their smile
  • Tell patients about the benefits of correcting malocclusions
  • Display patient results and testimonials in your practice and on social media
  • Update your website to show patients that you are an Active Aligners provider and explain what clear aligners can do for them
  • Utilise social media, boost posts and create practice adverts
  • Run promotions and giveaways
  • Send monthly newsletters highlighting cases you have successfully treated with Active Aligners.

Commonly asked questions

What is the average length of treatment?

The average treatment time is between six and eight months. However, each Active Aligners case is different and treatment times may vary between two to 12 months.

How do Active Aligners work?

Active Aligners work on basic orthodontic principles.

They can correct crowded teeth, gaps or rotations, while achieving the desired results in an organised and planned fashion. Customised trays are ‘invisible’ and move the tooth in the desired direction.

Each tray is worn for one to two weeks at a time (one stage), which move the teeth per stage until their optimal alignment has been reached.

How long will it take to manufacture Active Aligners?

Once the treatment plan is simulated and approved by the provider, the Active Aligners will be manufactured and delivered within 10 working days.

What is the minimum age?

By default, the minimum age for Active Aligners is 16 years of age. However, the provider may provide exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Young teens usually do not qualify until all their adult teeth have fully erupted.

What happens when patients complete the treatment?

Retainers are critical to keeping your patient’s new smile.

Please advise them to wear their retainer for three months (for 22 hours a day, before switching to night-time wear as this will keep the teeth in their new positions).

The provider could also offer the option of a fixed lingual retainer if appropriate after the three-month retention period.

Can patients remove their Active Aligners?

Yes, patients are able to remove their Active Aligners whenever they’d like.

However, it is recommended that they are worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day (only removing the aligners to eat, drink, brush teeth and floss).

Do the aligners restrict patients from eating certain foods during therapy?

No, patients may remove their Active Aligners to eat whatever they please!

We recommend that they brush their teeth after eating, before reinserting their Active Aligners.

How do patients clean/care for their Active Aligners?

Patients must clean their Active Aligners every morning and night when they brush their teeth. They must use a soft bristle toothbrush with cold water and a small amount of soap.

*Note: avoid hot water at all costs as it will denature the plastic and alter the aligner’s fit.

What if the patient loses or damages an aligner?

The patient should contact the dentist immediately should they lose or damage an aligner or retainer:

  • If an aligner is lost or damaged within seven days of starting the current stage, a replacement can be made as soon as possible*
  • If the patient has been compliant for the first seven to eight days, it may be possible to switch to the next stage. This is done at the discretion of the provider and is based on the discipline of the patient as well as the degree to which the treatment is tracking successfully.

*There may be additional costs associated with replacing Active Aligners or retainers.

For more information visit email [email protected] or call 0207 307 5959.

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