Change is indeed a scary prospect, so to help dental practices weather the storm and face change head-on, this year’s Practice Plan Workshop Tour presented by Business of Dentistry events brings you Survive and Thrive, a powerful masterclass to help you and your team do just that. Delivered by international keynote speaker, motivational trainer and coach, Joy Marsden, this workshop will give you and your team the resources and ability to positively embrace change and ‘survive and thrive’ in a changing dental world.
Joy works with key brands, including the BBC and Pepsico, across many different industries, focusing on personal and team motivation and has had some astonishing results. Now she’s bringing her extensive experience to the dental industry to help dental teams arm themselves for the changing times ahead. When it comes to dealing with change and developing a resilient team, she really does know her stuff.
In anticipation of the workshop tour, which runs throughout September to December, we took the time to glean some tips from Joy to find out how you can ‘survive and thrive’ in a changing dental world and embrace change with confidence.
Losing sight
According to Joy, one of the by-products of facing challenges can sometimes result in us losing sight of the confidence we already have. Our confidence to overcome the challenge in the first place, the confidence we have in ourselves and the confidence we have in our team.
Joy believes that regularly sense checking yourself against questions such as: ‘Do I believe in myself, my goals and my practice?’ are the key to moving in the right direction. Often referred to as self-directed belief, having it is key and will help you and your team in pushing forward to face those challenges directly. In other words, a clear vision of what you want to achieve for yourself, your dental practice, your patients and your team is a must.
Joy suggests that dealing with challenges confidently comes down to competency. More commonly known as the confidence-competence loop, it’s all about as you learn how to do a particular task, you become more competent in doing that task. The more you then do it the better you become and, as such, you increase your confidence when undertaking similar tasks.
Battle the challenge
As dentists there will be tasks that you and your team need to take on in order for your dental practice to maintain its competitive edge. These may be new things that are a change to the norm and at first may seem overwhelming. It’s here that Joy says the power of the team to battle the challenge really comes into play.
Sometimes the greatest confidence comes from having people around you who are like-minded and striving for the same things. With the right people in place, you will notice more momentum, more competency and more confidence. The challenges you face in your practice won’t overwhelm you, but instead take you to the next stage and help you to move your dental practice in the direction you want.
The Workshop Tour takes place over 13 dates and locations across the country and promises to inspire, engage and motivate your team. To secure your place or for further information, including the full list of dates and venues, please visit or call the events team on 01691 684135.