Offering finance helps existing patients by spreading the cost of their treatment, and, in doing so, benefits the practice as treatment take-up increases, cash flow improves and profitability rises.
It can also be advantageous in attracting new patients – a treatment costing £2,000 can seem so much more attainable when it is quoted as ‘from £40 a month’.
If your practice is missing out because proposed treatment plans are not being taken up then finance will be for you.
Many dentists think that all finance providers are ‘very much the same’, however, we would certainly beg to differ.
At Dental Finance we have delivered the most hands-on finance package for over a decade and, as a result, work with several hundred practices in providing finance options to their patients.
We offer practices real choices:
- We offer the most comprehensive range of finance options that can be tailored to suit your practice
- We do not dictate the way in which finance applications are processed – either we can process applications on your behalf or you can process applications within the practice or patients can process online – the choice is yours
- We are the only finance provider working with more than one lender to maximise acceptances
- We complement our service with free training, marketing literature and on-going support through our experienced team in the office, plus attendance at practice open events.
Financial Conduct Authority
With effect from 1 April 2014, the regulatory body overseeing finance has been the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and before you can offer finance you will need to apply for authorisation from the FCA. There is an online process but it is not straightforward and we are happy to provide assistance to all supporting practices – free of charge. If you have either started the process and encountered difficulties or are about to make an application, then speak to us – we will be able to help.
To discuss any aspects of offering finance please contact us by email: [email protected], telephone: 08452 591091 or visit the website: