It’s time to wrap up your CPD with the UK’s leading postgraduate education provider, Independent Seminars.
CPD Dentistry UK (formerly CPD Essentials) returns to ILEC Conference Centre, London, on 23 January 2015 for a huge annual show designed to get all UK dental professionals up-to-date and on top of their CPD.
Join Len D’Cruz, Jimmy Makdissi, Martin Fulford, Yusof Omar and Philip Lewis for a fast, interactive core CPD course.
Topics include: medical emergencies, disinfection and decontamination, radiography and radiation protection, legal and ethical issues, handling complaints, oral cancer early detection, IR(MER) (ionising radiation (medical exposure regulations)).
Cover all your General Dental Council core subjects, IR(MER) CPD and pick up 7.5 verifiable CPD hours.
This event is for the entire dental team, a full course ticket costs just £99+VAT.
Call the Independent Seminars team on 01923 851775 to book.