Dentistry Live was back in London for its annual two-day conference. With top speakers on offer, delegates had access to new techniques, current topics and popular hands-on workshops in abundance. Held on 7 and 8 June in Westminster, London, Dentistry Live had the honour of sharing Saturday’s conference with Trooping the Colour. Dentistry Live had just as much excitement about it as the Queen’s birthday celebrations just around the corner.
With the Champagne reception held on Friday evening and a popular exhibition held over both days, Dentistry Live was well and truly a success. Read on to find out what was on offer.
Mark Oborn
Mark Oborn kicked off an exciting line-up on Friday in the business and marketing suite. Mark’s presentation, titled How to attract the patients you need with online marketing, focused on all aspects and pitfalls around online marketing. With three hours to spare, there wasn’t much Mark missed, covering everything from social media, online presence and Google searches through to his own marketing theory.
Mark gave his top tips for effective online marketing:
- Relevance
- Timeliness
- Convenience
- Consistency (involving your brand).
Outlining the benefits and flaws to different types of marketing, Mark gave attendees different scenarios where one source of marketing might be more relevant or effective than another, along with introducing attendees to different and new forms of marketing they may not have come across before.
Tim Ives
Tim Ives hosted an enlightening hands-on lecture on Redressing the oral balance – A practical saliva and bacterial testing session. With a limited number of tickets available for the hands-on session, this gave Tim the opportunity to provide a more personal one-to-one session to attendees.
Tim provided a brief background into some of the reasons behind caries, concluding that testing saliva is ‘one of the most important things when treating your patients.’ Next, delegates took part in their own saliva test Tim had prepared, to help discover if they were more or less susceptible to caries using a red, amber, green system.
Alison Fry, dental nurse, Heath Dental, Solihull.
‘My boss gave me the opportunity to go to Dentistry Live. It was an opportunity to hang out with the ‘gang’ and soak up the experience and get CPD. I liked the team and motivation track, in particular Michael Sernik’s lecture.’
Professor David Manton
Saturday had the pleasure of hosting the minimal intervention programme where many delegates became familiar faces. The final session (Minimal intervention (MI) – are you ready for children?) rounded off the day raising some much-needed questions – the role of the parent being one. David emphasised how important it was for the parents to understand the importance of good oral health, so that this could be passed onto the children. A healthy diet became a main factor that David claimed had a huge part to prevent caries in children, but it had to start with the parents.
Focussing on how to treat children he explained the need to treat children in an environment they would feel comfortable. Thinking about how to interact with children to get the best results is a must.
Juliette Reeves
Juliette began the afternoon session on Friday in the hygiene, therapy and periodontics suite. She walked delegates through Implant maintenance and soft tissue management.
Starting with a refresher on soft tissue management, Juliette said: ‘Understanding what goes on under the tissues completely changed my implant maintenance.’ Juliette then spoke about osseointegration and how to spot good integration. She went on to explain the difference between primary stability and secondary stability with implants, and when to differentiate between the two.
Delegates left Juliette’s seminar with an up-to-date knowledge of peri-implatitis, along with protocols
for the care and maintenance of implants and the
supporting tissues.
Jane Lelean
Jane Lelean hosted a lively interactive seminar on Quick, simple and guaranteed ways to improve your cashflow. Here, Jane explained her four Rs for improving your practice cashflow:
- Retention
- Recall
- Reactivation
- Referrals.
Jane finished her presentation by providing quick and easy ways to structure your practice budget in order to reduce overspend. She explained it is best to be proactive when it comes to money issues: ‘It is best to look a dragon in the face.’
James Opperman, dentist, Broadstairs.
‘I came to Dentistry Live a few years ago and it was the Cerec track that brought me back. I’ve contemplated buying the latest Cerec and I wanted to hear experts in order to help me make a final decision. I’ll definitely come back next year.’
Tracey Lennemann
There was a bit of a buzz surrounding Tracey’s hands-on workshop – Modern methods of non surgical periodontal treatment and biofilm management. Why? Quale eggs were used to demonstrate how the Air-Flow Master Piezon worked. The system was used to remove the stains on the quale eggs to demonstrate how it can be used for scaling and air polishing in deep periodontal pockets.
Not to shy away from the basics, Tracey also made sure that the correct sitting posture was covered, as well as teaching the attendees how to hold hand instruments correctly.
Gerhard Werling
Gerhard’s lecture on CAD/CAM: implants, abutments and prosthodontics was packed with people shuffling around trying to fit in, it made it all the more of an exciting lecture. And, of course, with a speaker of such talent it would be high on the list of people’s choice of lectures. In his two-part session he covered CAD/CAM, guided surgery, abutment in one time and new materials for prosthetic restoration. The second session covered practical tips for clinical cases, from high aesthetic ‘non-prep’ restorations to complex complete restorations in the bruxer denture.
Zoe Clarke, dentist, Shaun McClure, dentist Restore Dental Group, Cardiff, Wales.
‘We came last year, it was really good and informative and still is, so we would come back next year. We would bring our team members as well so they can learn new concepts. Fantastic exhibition as well.’
Richard Lee
The award-winning Richard Lee ran a joint seminar and hands-on session in the morning and afternoon respectively. Here, Richard gave dentists his top 10 tips, hints and tricks to help make placing composite in your practice more predictable, enjoyable and profitable.
The hands-on session was a relaxed atmosphere where dentists could try-out the advice they had been given in the morning for placing a composite. Richard was on hand to walk delegates through shaping the composite using the different tools provided. And he offered one-to-one guidance for the more intricate parts to make the composite look more like a natural tooth.
One attendee, Inderjit Singh – principal of Cathedral Dental, explained why he came: ‘It’s nice. This is what we do everyday. There isn’t much point in going on these complex courses you do once very rarely. This I do every day so it makes sense to come here.’
Dominic Hassall
Dominic Hassall hosted a hands-on session in Treatment planning practical in restorative, implant and aesthetic dentistry. Maximising predictability.
The limited number of tickets available for this session meant Dominic could offer a very bespoke class, answering questions from delegates and giving case studies as examples of when to and when not to use different treatment options.
It was obvious that delegates found this session extremely useful, many attendees called their colleagues in after the session to have a chat with Dominic.
Professor Hien Ngo
Nairn Wilson started a busy final day hosting the minimal intervention suite. He gave a glowing introduction to Professor Hien Ngo who presented Non operative management of caries: fluoride and non-fluoride therapies. In order to treat caries, Professor Ngo explained that there were a number of paradigm shifts the industry had to go through for diagnosis, treatment and management.
Professor Ngo tackled the three key issues with caries:
- Is remineralisation a clinically feasible aim?
- How to engage patients in caries management?
- Is non-operative treatment value for money?
Delegates had to pay attention as the quick paced Professor Ngo provided a lot of information about modern-day caries management.
Neelam Kudhail, dental hygienist and therapist, South Buckinghamshire.
‘I’ve heard a lot about Dentistry Live, I go on a lot and I’ve seen it advertised every year. So, I thought, why not try it. It’s been really good: the lectures have been interesting. Compared to other CPD events the lectures have been outside of the box. They make you question the way you treat, plan and look after patients. It’s nice to meet other professionals as well. I’d definitely come back next year.’
Mark Cronshaw
Mark Cronshaw proved how effective modern-day lasers are in his Lasers live hands-on workshop. After a quick demonstration, a few words for health and safety and with everybody sporting some fetching eye-wear, delegates were able to practise using lasers. A pigs head was provided to practise on and delegates were walked through how to use the laser and the dos and don’ts to get the best result from them.
Ben Flewett
Ben Flewett tackled the tricky subject of preparing for the NHS pilot. Ben was fielding questions throughout his talk covering everything from how the new contract might affect dentists day-to-day, to tips in order to prepare for the new contract.
A lot of Ben’s talk was focused on NHS software designed to help make running a practice easy. Although the software Ben spoke about covered many areas, there were still a lot of questions and recommendations from the delegates, all of which were taken on board by Ben.
Tracy Stuart
Tracy Stuart presented Teamwork – but it doesn’t always. Here, she spoke about some of the main problems she comes across with dental practice teams as well as advocating the treatment coordinator role.
Tracy introduced delegates to the DISC (direct, influential, steady and compliant) strategy. This strategy categorises an employee’s personality, giving you a better idea of where that person might be suited in your practice.
Tracy was on her toes for a barrage of questions from delegates all looking to get her perspective on their own practices.
Anthony D’Souza, dentist, Crawley.
‘Dentistry Live is the best-organised event I’ve ever attended. It’s well set out and planned. It’s great that you get all the information at once. I’ve got the CPD Pass for five years so I’ll be back every year.’